Part 1

The bandits are coming down the tunnel toward the crypt. They have no idea what awaits them inside.

A glowing bright yellow-skinned man is surrounded by burning air holding a fireball.

Scintellatus is ready for them. The air begins to heat, the dust begins to glow and then burn, it's so thick it smolders. A fireball forms in Scintellatus' hand as he rises up from the ornate dais on the floor.

Behind the yellow skinned man is one with skin the colour of ebony.  He in enveloped in shadow.

In the background Atramentus shields himself from the intense heat in a cool bubble of darkness.

The air glows a deeper red as does the fireball in the yellow-skinned man's hand.

Atramentus is at ease, as much as he can be with such heat and light, as Scintellatus readies to unleash his fury.

Atramentus™ and Scintellatus™ are trademarks of Robert G. Male. Used with Permission.